Monday, January 4, 2010


Did you know that it costs less to give a person water for twenty years than to buy a soccer ball?

The airlines are strict these days and due to baggage restrictions my brothers and I decided to give donations in my grandparents' names for Christmas. Not wanting to be gender-partial, it being the holidays and all, I chose something for a boy, a girl and one that could be for either... though I suppose the soccer ball could be for a girl as well. Water and a year's worth of education for a girl seemed fitting; there was something for diversion, for education and for health. I was inspired by a fireside chat that Mama, Papa and I had recently had about the Wonders of the World: Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama, Brian Williams...

I don't mean to go around and toot my own horn or anything... I just want to call attention to this fascinating detail: 20 dollars buys an individual enough water for 20 years.  Twenty years...

I know it must mean it purchases the necessary equipment to purify and prepare the water... but that is a long time.  The kid's soccer ball was thirty...

Really it just seemed like such an insignificant sum... it won't even fill my gas tank... that I was taken aback.

I know what twenty bucks can do for my life... if you have some to spare, won't you help to change someone else's?

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written, Celia and well worth pondering...
