Friday, September 7, 2012

bio with words

starlight star bright
i once had to sneeze
and ended up among a plethora
of strawberries

in the morrow maybe
diez y siete ominous indians kidnapped me
and tied me to the mesa de noche
i enjoyed the trip

but they told me that i was a transplant
i must endlessly travel
i used the scissors they fed me for breakfast
yet could not fit into the chimenea

breathe deep
seek peace

the belly of the mississippi
isn't so immense
your hermanos are down there

Thursday, September 6, 2012

from trash to treasure

I present the 28th edition of Revista Cultural Alternativas, a free online magazine published monthly in León, Mexico. In this edition, the focus is on ecology, design, art and recycling.  I invite you to flip through the magazine and pause for a moment, if you will, on pages 24 and 25.  I am proud to share with you a brief article about Guanajuato-based group Editorial EnComa, a collaboration of artists, photographers, poets, writers, designers, movers and shakers. We are dedicated to creating artesian books out of recycled materials while including a wide range of topics and interests.