Saturday, April 28, 2012

a pound of [lead] feathers

Gray clouds hang in the sky and tumble over each other churning along with the slightly humid evening breeze down into the valley, along the creek and back up and over the neighboring hill. Perfect weather for welding with the crisp air against my cheek a nice contrast against the flame of the torch.

We are officially in production mode. 

Click the following links to check out 
some of my friend's creations 
as well as some new projects of my own!

Pesadas.  Nubes grises cuelgan en el cielo. Se chocan y se revuelvan junto con la brisa del atardecer. Húmeda.  Bajando entra a la valle, sigue el arroyo y de nuevo sube y se escape hacia el otro lado del cerro de frente.  La clima indicada para soldar.  A mi cachete le pica el aire. Un contraste rico contra la llama del soplete.

Ya entramos a modalidad: Producción.

Haz clic en los links y echale un vistazo a 
unas creaciones de unos amigos
ademas de nuevos proyectos míos!  

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

At A Crawl

I must be part turtle... that means, of course, that I am also a dinosaur.
Thus, an alien...

When being observed, this shelled species take its time in getting from A  to B.
Yet, once the observer becomes distracted, say, by the need for a cup of coffee, turtle hikes up her skirt and high-tails it through the kitchen, over the front stoop and she is out the garden gate before the hare had time to pick the carrots out of his teeth.

To clarify:
I feel as though I am moving an impossibly slow pace. So this must mean that all eyes are on me at the moment (optimistic or egocentric?), and though the spotlight isn't my enemy I wish there could be a momentary closing of the curtain so I could have a chance to rearrange the stage.

Please take a peek at other Maverick Radar endeavors and remember to check back often!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

mad. rid.

So it goes beyond all of  my formal training and street cred to say Madrid (read like: I am mad. I can't seem to get rid of these pesky mustard stains).  I went with my aunt to hear for myself and, bless their hearts, that is how they pronounce it in New Mexico.  Throw it in the bucket with Santa Fe, Tennessee and Amarillo, Texas and Louisville, Colorado and... if you're from anythere, or if you've been anythere, you know the theres that I am talking about.

The little gaggle of houses and a once-was coal mine is found tucked in a curve along the Turquoise Trail between Albuquerque and Santa Fe.  Precious. And well worth a visit.  It is full of little art galleries and a couple of dueling coffee shops; this little town sees no less than 20,000 people a year according to some local artists. And the locals, though scarce, do exist. If you care to rise early with the sun you can catch a few of them in Java Junction getting their cuppa joe. I am seriously considering applying for my residency.

All the smears of blue that so beautifully mimicked the heavens that day reminded me of my blue bike momma.  Suggestion: eat at the Hollar... another chance at rubbing elbows with the regulars and to grab a (locally bred) buffalo burger, it comes on a biscuit. And sub the fries for the okra... I am the final word on that particular veggie and I say sí.

Sticks and Stones

As a child I remember never being quick enough with my comebacks. "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me!"  Kids are often cruel and I just wasn't as clever as the rest. Later, I would replay the encounter over and over in my head, wishing that I could have shot back some of the stinging responses that occurred to me when not on the spot.  I was rarely able to volley back an equally vicious remark, but in those few instances that I did, I found myself in a pool of regret. Feeling badly for having, quite possibly, caused the same amount of hurt and shame in the other person... given the other person dwelled as much on what others thought of them as I did at the time.

Verbal and emotional violence are prevalent problems in our world today despite the lack of visible wounds they leave.  Domestic violence crosses all barriers and is as blind as we should be to difference in race, class and gender.  In order to truly achieve security and equality we must be educated about and respectful of those different from ourselves.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Me x 3

Afraid of what could be hiding behind my reflection at night.
I think someone is out there.
What if someone is out there? 
What if no one is?

Me asusta lo que se podría esconder detrás del reflejo en la noche.
Creo que hay alguien afuera.
Qué tal si hay alguien afuera?
Qué tal si no hay nadie?

dead mice and mountain range

Did you know that humans aren't unique in donning fur coats? Frozen Planet is about the most violent thing that I like to let into my subconscious and last night I learned that the weasel wears the vole for warmth after dining on the digestive tract. Waste not, want not!

Friday, April 6, 2012

tea bags... revamped!

eating is my favorite

eleven days of devouring
put it in my mouth!

once días de devorar
a tragarla!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A vase? Two faces?

I grew up looking for the man in the moon. A legend in Mexico revealed the rabbit to me.

Quetzalcoatl decided to visit the earth in the form of a man. Tired and hungry at the end of the day, a humble rabbit offered himself to the traveler, not knowing he was a god.  Quetzalcoatl thanked him for his generosity and painted a portrait of the rabbit in the moon for every being to see throughout eternity.

Animals tend to be more selfless than men in many occasions.

Me criaron a buscar la cara de un hombre en la luna.
Una leyenda en México me desveló el conejito.

Quetzalcoatl decidió dar una vuelta por la tierra en forma de un hombre.  Al final del día, fatigado y con mucha hambre, un conejito humilde se le ofreció a Quetzalcoatl sin saber que fuera un dios.  Le agradeció Quetzalcoatl al conejito y le pintó su retrato en la cara de la luna llena para que todos lo recuerdan durante eternidad. 

Los animales suelen ser menos egoístas que los seres humanos.