Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sticks and Stones

As a child I remember never being quick enough with my comebacks. "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me!"  Kids are often cruel and I just wasn't as clever as the rest. Later, I would replay the encounter over and over in my head, wishing that I could have shot back some of the stinging responses that occurred to me when not on the spot.  I was rarely able to volley back an equally vicious remark, but in those few instances that I did, I found myself in a pool of regret. Feeling badly for having, quite possibly, caused the same amount of hurt and shame in the other person... given the other person dwelled as much on what others thought of them as I did at the time.

Verbal and emotional violence are prevalent problems in our world today despite the lack of visible wounds they leave.  Domestic violence crosses all barriers and is as blind as we should be to difference in race, class and gender.  In order to truly achieve security and equality we must be educated about and respectful of those different from ourselves.

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