Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Nuevos Proyectos!

Paco viene del DF a acomodarse en Guanajuato Capital.  Vende playeras de diseños propios ademas de representar artistas de toda la Republica.  Me invitó a usar la tienda como taller para pintar y producir.
Hemos encargado mesas y estamos juntando materiales para empezar con clases de arte y otros talleres que partiremos en la tienda y en otras partes de la ciudad.

Más información pronto... mientras, te ofrecemos una vista de la tienda:

altarcito al santo zapato
(fondo: playeras padrisimas)
little altar to the shoe saint
(background: awesome t-shirts)

altarcito al conejito
(en la luna o en el jardín o en la barriga)
little altar to the bunny rabbit
(in the moon or in your garden or in your tummy)

anillo chido de vidrio
(calavera no se vende... se trata de un fuerte juju)
cool glass ring
(skull not for sale... got some crazy juju going on)

anillito de vidrio que parece ser hecha de dulces
(no se recomienda comertelo)
cute little glass ring that looks like it's made of candy
(not recommended for your consumption)

altarcito a la iglesia y a la guerra
(una relación complicada... simbiótica obligatoria) 
little altar to religion and war
(it's complicated... an obligate symbiotic relationship)

New undertakings!

Paco has come from DF to settle in the capital city of Guanajuato.  My dear friend invited me to paint and work out of his shop where he sells his shirts and represents a number of artists from across Mexico.
We are getting tables made and materials together for art classes and a variety of workshops which will take place in the shop as well as on location in various parts of the community.

More information to come but for now here is a glimpse at what the store has to offer:

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