El Encino is one of many colonies within Guanajauto, Mexico that are underprivileged and often forgotten by those who reside in the historical district, i.e. the richer part of town. The residents of this colony are higher in the mountains and beyond the sight of the tourists; often their interests and needs are pushed aside or completely ignored by the government.
Katie, Matteo, David and I went up to spend time with the kids from the area and help them see what urban art can do to better a neighborhood. Over the course of the month we taught them how to use aerosol, make stencils and wheat paste and showed them videos of different graffiti artists. The walls that we used were offered by different homeowners in the area. They were first painted white and then we were allowed to come in and paint murals, paste drawings and turn the wall into a piece of art rather than chicken scratch. Those who participated in the workshop were so inspiring and excited to see the results. The ideas that the participants were incredible and they took only a slight bit of encouragement to feel completely at ease with the task at hand. They were are content as we were with the outcome.
El Encino es una colonia de Guanajuato Capital que pocos del centro histórico conocen. Es ubicado más arriba en la sierra y fuera de la vista de los turistas; suele pasar que sus necesidades son ignorados por el gobierno. Katie, Matteo David y yo subimos a pasar tiempo con los jóvenes de la colonia y a mostrarles como el arte urbano puede mejorar el ambiente del barrio. Durante el mes les enseñamos una variedad de técnicas: usar aerosol, hacer plantillas y engrudo, y proyectamos vídeos que se trataron de diferentes artistas de graffiti. Los muros que pintamos fueron ofrecidos por unos dueños de las casas en la colonia. Primero las pintaron en blanco y después nosotros llegamos para pintar y elaborarlas. Las convertimos en arte, en murales inspiradores en vez de estar llenas de manchas y estar rayadas sin sentido. Los que participaron en el taller se emocionaron al ver sus diseños en las paredes y a nosotros nos inspiraron mucho. Las ideas que nos presentaron eran increíbles y solo nos costó poquito para hacer que se sentían cómodos con el proyecto. Estaban tan contentos como nosotros con los resultados.
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