Monday, October 22, 2012

La Lotería at East Park

Today Maverick Radar is visiting East Park Community Center  to spend some time learning about La Lotería, a traditional Mexican board game similar to BINGO.
While playing the game, we will look at the drawings and talk about the words in Spanish. 

Each person will be able to design their own cards and game boards for a personalized version of La Lotería. 

The finished paintings will be displayed in the lobby of the EPCC.  Two participants will be invited to take the Maverick Mask-Making workshop at Mas Tacos Por Favor on the Friday of Los días de los Muertos.  More information about the masks can be found at The Skillery.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

art show and sale

drawings and paintings by Celia Rose

part of the días de los muertos celebration

This is the Celia Rose's premiere show in 
Nashville featuring drawings of each of the 
West Eastland Avenue homes.

Friday, November 2
6:00 - 9:00 pm

---música en vivo---
New Pleasure
Promised Land


more information and links
casitas de elote
maverick facebook
maverick tumblr
maverick etsy
The Skillery

mask makers, unite!!!

Come create on los días de los muertos!
Mask-making workshop with Celia Rose

November 1 and 2 
4:00 - 6:00

For más information and to register
check out The Skillery
Tickets are limited, so don't wait!

Friday, October 5, 2012