Thursday, July 12, 2012

a score is 20 years

     In the twenty-plus-two days since last reporting for duty, 
I have done a few things many times over.

The bandits in the kitchen of Más Tacos Por Favor
have taken me as one of their own.
I spend the daylight hours learning the trade and testing the tacos.

 By night, I creep about below the floorboards
fixated on affixing bones to metal to wood. 
Learning to "appreciate the impermanence of the human condition." -droot

Between the taco stand and mi casa, there are homes.
There are lives and people and everything that happens
will happen today.

Durante los 22 días de mi ausencia,
he repetido poquitas cosas varias veces.

Los bandidos de la cocina de Más Tacos Por Favor
me han secuestrado para ser una de ellos.
Me la paso aprendiendo su oficio y probando los tacos.

Por la noche voy trepando debajo de los pisos
enfilada en fijar hueso a metal a madera.
Aprendiendo a "apreciar que la temporalidad de la condición humana." -droot

Entre el puesto de tacos y mi casa, hay hogares.
Hay vidas y personas y todo que pasa
pasara hoy.

leave what remains

For those of you who speak Spanish, or those of you who wanna brush up on your reading skills en español check out Heads Off.  Along with music reviews and art critiques you will, ever so often, find cute pictures of kittens. Another fun fact: I was asked to do the banner for June! So, after a quick flashback to your high school Spanish class (pantalones, cerveza, donde)  click over and check out this insider view of the world as we know it.